Tuesday, October 17, 2006

به سفر نزدیکم و هیجان سفر گاهی به شدت منو تحت تاثیر میزاره . خیلی سخته جدا شدن از همه اون چیزهایی که بهشون وصلی و من سالهاست که جدا شدن رو تمرین میکنم . دل کندن و دور شدن , اما دل نبستن از همه چیز ساده تر است . برای این سفر تو دو سال گذشته رنج خیلی زیادی رو متحمل شدم ,آسیب دیدگی دستم و به دنبالش یک سال تمرین و تحمل فشار تا کمی به حال عادی برگرده و درست زمانی که داشتم نتیجه میگرفتم همون دست توی تمرین شکست . اما اونقدر انگیزه داشتم واسه این سفر که ناامید نشم . دوباره شروع کردم و به لطف خدا خیلی بهترم .مشکلاتم فقط همین ها نبود و مشکل مالی از همش بیشتر بود . هیچ پولی واسه شروع سفر نداشتم اما ناامید نبودم تا اینکه یه دوست کمکم کرد تا بتونم سفرم رو شروع کنم . مارگارت و لوئیس با اینکه مدت بسیار کمی رو با من بودند اما اینقدر به من لطف داشتن که راه من و زندگی من واسشون مهم باشه و با کمکشون منو به شروع سفر نزدیک کنن . ازشون سپاسگذارم و از خدا واسشون سلامتی و شادی آرزو میکنم .
I am so close to the trip and its excitement sometime make me upset. It is really difficult to leave everything, everything that you are connected with them and I am exercising it for some year’s .leaving and going far. But it is better that you don’t make a deep root.
I tolerated a large amount of difficulties during last year for this trip. My shoulder got wrong and after that I had one year hard exercise to get health, but when that I was getting health it got break during the jogging. I had strong motivation to go this trip and I didn’t become disappointment. I began again and GOD help me, so now I am really better .I had another problems .economical problems was worst of them. I had no money to start the trip but I was not disappointment, so there were a couple of friends and they help me to begin the trip.”Margaret and Louis “there was a short time that we were together but they had so many kindness about me that my life and my way were important for them . They made me close to the trip by their donation. I thank them and I pray for them. I ask GOD to give them health and happiness.