Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Photo: Mohammad Tajeran

Thats great hand from great man who is working even when he has 75 years old .his hand is like stone and it looks part of stone and it is strong and harsh as stone as .but his smile showed that his heart is like river , ful of sound and generous .he was calm like tree and his calmness stunnished me .


Anonymous said...

سلام محمد آقا
صفحه ی نو مبارک
تازه منم می تونم این دو تا عکسهای جدیدی رو که گذاشتی ببینم
راستی ممنون از اینکه به وب منم سر می زنی
بعدشم اگه دوست داشتی خوشحال می شم لینک وب منم روی صفحه ات باشه

شاد باشی

Anonymous said...

safheye no mobarak
in do ta axi ke gozshti ro mitonam bebinam
rasti age dost dashti mitoni linke webe mano roye safhe at bezari

shad bashi

bikaran said...

salam nisti
commenthay gozashtam paride va adreseto nadaram . vasam bezar adreseto ta linkesho bezaram .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

سلام بر محمد
بابا احوال مارو نمي پرسي
راستي بگو چرا اون روز ساعت 5 صبح زنگ زدي دقيقا زير فرهاد تراش تو بيستون بودم ؟؟؟؟؟

GI Kate said...

im really into this picture...simple but says a lot.

Anonymous said...

in akso taze emroz didam,khodaye man bavaram nemishe ke to daghighan az chizi ke baraye man kheili arzesh dare aks gerefti.
dostam az to mamnonam be khatere mojasam kardane hese digaran onam be in ghashangi