گاهی کلامی هست و حضوری اما قلمی نیست و گاهی قلم هست و دلی نیست که سخن گوید....بیکران آنجا آغاز میگردد که هم دل هست و هم قلم.
There are times when I have words but no pen to write them down, there are times when I have a pen but no words coming from my heart....
Bikaran begin when I have words and pen
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
من این صفحه رو تازه باز کردم و مطالبی که مینویسم مال گذشته است وشاید مال الان من نباشه............! I opened this page now and whatever that i write are for last . May be i dont agree with some of them now .becaus i am growing ....